Cringey Disney World Trends That Are Kinda Painful to Write About

There are a LOT of trends in Disney World, including ones that have lasted FOREVER.

Pin trading is a fun Disney trend!

For example, pin trading is such a HUGE thing now that even Cast Members get in on the fun. Other trends include things like Disneybounding, which is also fun. However, maybe some trends really should NOT be happening, and when we asked you, our AllEars readers about it, you had some opinions.

Here’s what you told us about the cringiest trends in Disney World. Granted, some of these are hot takes, but we love hearing what our readers have to say.

Hair Ties

Reader Blair pointed out a trend that we’ve all questioned at some point: throwing hair ties on Expedition Everest. “Leaving hair ties on Everest.. or anywhere.. it’s disgusting.. and it’s hazardous to animals.”

Hair ties!

Cinnamon pointed out that this trend was also starting in other areas of the parks: “Throwing things on rides. I saw a post earlier about hair ties on Everest. I was just there and on the roof in TMR gum was all over, gift cards, etc. Gross! I also saw hair ties on Living with the Land. Come on! Stop it!”

Living With The Land

According to Megan, no ride is sacred, “I’m not sure if this counts but hair-ties being thrown at Everest. Just got off the Three Caballeros and they started throwing them there too. It’s gross. Just stop.”

Matching T-Shirts

A lot of you also had some hot takes about guests in matching t-shirts. Michelle answered, “The family trips of 15+ people in matching shirts that clog up the walkways.”

Does your family wear matching shirts to the parks?

Kathy pointed out a very specific set of matching t-shirts: “Matching couples t-shirts indicating she loves the magic and he pays for the magic.”

Popcorn Buckets

Okay, this one is certainly going to be controversial, but a few of our readers mentioned popcorn buckets, including Jennifer, who answered simply, “I have to say Popcorn Buckets.”

There were plenty of you who agreed with her, too! Erika specified what seemed to be the problem, though: “I was so going to say this too. I’ll just hop on and say yes! And not completely the bucket but people that will wait four hours in line to get one.”

A chaotic little guy

Dianna commented, “Also, the rampant over-commercialism. It’s silly to pay any money for a popcorn bucket, and we all know it.”

Yes, we remember the chaos over the Figment Popcorn Bucket last year… .

Bubble Wands

Some of our readers think Bubble Wands need to go. Patti said, “I agree with the bubble wands. Bubbles bubbles everywhere!! Lol”

Angela is also not a fan of bubble wands: “Bubble wands!! They’re EVERYWHERE…”

Ariel Bubble Wands

Lynne agrees, “Every time I walk through a sea of bubbles I say (in my head) bubble wands are the bane of my existence 😂”.

Tammy said, “Bubble machines….when you’re stuck standing behind one of them, inhaling soap doesn’t make for the most pleasant experience.”

Bubble Wands

Okay, we get it, y’all have a LOT of opinions about trends at Disney World, and while you all didn’t agree on all these trends, we get it! So when you come across something that’s a trend that you find cringey, take a deep breath and remember that you’re still in the most magical place on Earth.

A DIVISIVE Disney Souvenir Trend Has Continued With a NEW Item

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What trend at Disney World is cringey to you? Let us know in the comments!

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3 Replies to “Cringey Disney World Trends That Are Kinda Painful to Write About”

  1. Matching shirts doesn’t bother me. I’ve never done it but certainly have seen people do it and I don’t get why that would upset anybody. People are celebrating together and we talk about how magical it is to be together in this place so why can’t we have a shirt that says it? But the thing that makes me cringe and gets me angry than anything or the people during events like fireworks who push and shelf past you at the last minute to get of you, pretending they have family up there. Or the parents who just before the event starts, puts the kid on the shoulder so now everybody behind them can’t see. You can put your kid on your hip and everyone will be able to see what’s going on. My husband has to use an ECV scooter and I can’t tell you how many people push and shove him roughly to cut in front of us to get to the castle and other places for fireworks. Cast members don’t do anything because I’m sure they’re told not to, but I have a temper so be ready for me to push back. And that goes for the parents who use their strollers as battering rams to get down main Street and other places.

    1. A flip side/something to think about in terms of the fireworks though is also how much space people leave wide open during the fireworks. I’ll readily admit to pushing through the crowd 15 minutes before the fireworks because, frankly, there’s a ton of room and it’s just me or me and one other person. Not that people need to pack tight, that’s a safety hazard and a health hazard for people with anxiety, but people staking out 4 square feet for themselves if they don’t need it for accessibility reasons to me is just as cringy as people who rudely shove past people.

  2. I have to tell you, I like all the bubbles from the bubble wands. I think it’s fun and festive. I’d never buy one, but I don’t mind enjoying the bubbles for free.

    But I do get why this doesn’t go over with a lot of people.