If You’re This Person in Disney World, Can You NOT?

*sigh* This is about to be REALLY fun for me, but maybe not as much fun for you.


On the other hand, you’ve probably griped to the family and friends you’re traveling with on your trip about the wild things you’ve seen other people do in the parks, so this post also may make you point at your screen and yell “YES!!” in solidarity. Anyway, without further ado, if you’re any of these people in Disney World, we have some alternate solutions that we’re all BEGGING you take.

Being Lost in Your Own World

Listen, this is coming from the queen of daydreaming, okay? I get lost in my own world 6/10 times BUT it can be dangerous when you do it in Disney World at worst, and just downright annoying at the least. What do we mean by this? Stopping in the MIDDLE of a pathway is the biggest one.

EPCOT Crowds

Disney World is a packed place, and that means you’ve likely got people on all sides of you at ALL times. Stopping suddenly causes a domino effect where the people around you suddenly have to swerve, which can be very dangerous. On my most recent trip, one of my travel companions was using an ECV, and those things are HARD to stop at a moment’s notice (it IS a moving vehicle). She constantly had to dodge and stop suddenly because of the people in front of us, which just isn’t safe.

Fantasyland crowds

I know, you’re excited to be in Disney World and just want to make sure your day is perfect, but being slammed in the ankles by an ECV likely isn’t part of it. So try and remember to pull off to the side with your group to make things easier for everyone involved.

Being Rude to Cast Members

Now we know none of YOU would ever do this, because we shout the praises of Cast Members and remind you that they really are the magic, but there are people who have zero problem being rude to Cast Members, and (allow me to be blunt here) if someone has no problem with that, then I have a BIG problem with you.

We love Guillermo!

I don’t know how else to say it y’all, CAST MEMBERS ARE PEOPLE TOO! Not only that, but they’re people who have to deal with being called terrible things and/or being screamed at WITH the requirement of keeping a smile on their face. I don’t know how they do it, because I could never, and I’m sure a lot of you out there couldn’t either.

We love MacKenna too!

I know things get stressful in Disney World, I’ve BEEN THERE! Just on my last trip, my reservation for Millennium Falcon: Smuggler’s Run didn’t save, and I almost didn’t get to ride with the rest of my group. While I was sad and mad at myself, I didn’t take it out on the Cast Member, who had NO control over the situation. Instead I didn’t make a big deal out of it, and the kind Cast Member made some magic for me and let me on anyway (which is NOT a guarantee at any time!). Whenever you’re feeling stressed and at the end of your rope, try to remember to take a step back, breathe for a second, and remember that it’s not the end of the world. Cast Members always WANT to help, but if you’re a rude jerk about it, they’re much less likely to.

Being Rude to Other Guests

In that same vein, yes, you’re on your perfect vacation, but so are tons of other people! It’s never okay to be rude toward other guests.

Cheshire Cat Statue

Sometimes these rude actions are words spoken out loud toward other guests, or more commonly, they’re actions that clearly show that you feel your comfort and experience is more important than theirs. For example, one of my coworkers just got back from a trip, and she shared that as she and her husband were about to grab seats at Sleepy Hollow (as they were TOUCHING THE CHAIRS), a woman ran over, PUSHED around them, and just set her stuff down without even making eye contact. 

Under the Sea attraction at Magic Kingdom

I get it — your feet are tired and you just want a second to sit down, but hey, so does everyone else around you! Remember that everyone there is trying to have the best vacation ever — wait your turn, don’t make snide comments at people as they pass by, DON’T CUT THE LINE (!!!!), and just be a courteous and kind human being.

Standing Too Close In Line

This one personally drives me up the wall. Yes, social distancing markers aren’t in lines anymore, but that does NOT mean you need to stand ONE INCH behind the person in front of you!

Creations Shop line

You’re all going to the same place and are going to get there eventually anyway! You’re just making everyone more uncomfortable by trying to get as close as possible. Now yes, also don’t leave obscene amounts of space between you and the party in front of you — that just means the line is longer than it needs to be. It’s also important to make sure your kids aren’t way up ahead of you fighting so close to the people in front of them that they get hit with wayward hands (totally not speaking from personal experience or anything…).

TTC Lines

Everyone in line is excited to ride and get to the front, but if you have the sneaking suspicion you might be too close, the next time the line moves up, move up a little less to leave some more space. This way, no one is making it awkward, and the problem resolves itself.

Not Wearing Deodorant

Why do I feel like I’m back in 5th grade health class? The truth is this: WE ALL SWEAT IN DISNEY WORLD, PLEASE WEAR DEODORANT.

Cinderella Castle

The moment you think “I don’t need it,” you’re lying to yourself. Wearing deodorant JUST TO BE SAFE is the way to go. This is especially true if you’ve got kids who are just on the cusp of needing to wear it — pack some and have them get used to wearing it, because you never know when they’ll suddenly REALLY need it.

Sunny Day in Animal Kingdom

There are always going to be things that other guests do that will annoy you on your trip, but then you can take it as a reminder to never BE that guest, and following these tips is a great way to start. Be sure to stay tuned to AllEars for the latest Disney news, tips, and tricks!

Disney Adults have a LOT to say about these 5 annoying problems in Disney World!

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6 Replies to “If You’re This Person in Disney World, Can You NOT?”

  1. I’m not a big fan of Disney parks, but having said that: ALL OF YOUR POINTS WERE PERFECT! They pertain to ANY amusement park. And you would think that people would know and understand these simple rules. Not anymore. They just don’t care. Everyone is out for themselves these days, sadly.

  2. No flash photography means exactly that. It’s super annoying and ruins the experience for others when you’re using your flash on Rides the prohibit flash photography

  3. People not realizing how much their backpacks protrude from them, when they are turning or moving near other people.