I Made a TRAGIC MISTAKE at Disney World, and I’m Begging You Not To Do the Same

Listen, there’s a LOT to prepare for before you head to Disney World, so I don’t blame you if things seem super overwhelming.

Cinderella Castle

But don’t stress — that’s why we’re here!  AllEars is here to help you avoid making all those mistakes that WE have in the past (and trust me, there have been a lot of them, we’ve been doing this for a while!). We know we’ve made some terrible mistakes in the parks, but we reached out to our readers on Facebook to see what they had to say, and all I’ll say now is I SO RELATE.

Wearing the Wrong Shoes

So many of our readers shared with us that their biggest mistake was wearing the wrong shoes, or wearing shoes that were uncomfortable. This is an easy mistake to make, because you may think that buying new shoes for the parks is a great idea, but it is, in fact, the opposite.

You’ll be walking A LOT

You’ll want to wear shoes that you’ve already broken in and KNOW are comfortable to walk in. The best way to do this is to walk around your neighborhood, a park, or somewhere where you can really get a feel for these on your feet.

Like…a lot

Additionally, don’t make the mistake I, and so many of us have, where you wear the shoes that are “cuter” and not more practical. We’ve BEEN THERE and it HURTS, please save yourself!! I’ve said it in a different post and I’ll say it again — go for CPNM (Cute & Practical, Not Miserable).

These are the BEST shoes to wear in Disney World!

Not Fueling/Hydrating Properly

The heat in Disney World is no joke, and it can sneak up on you FAST. Not only have we seen it affect some of our own team on the off day they’re not hydrating as much as they should, but we see it happen DAILY during the summertime to people in the parks.

Full spread from Cosmic Ray’s

On a less medically serious note, not fuelling or hydrating properly can also lead to fights with your group/family. Everyone’s feeling crabby, tired, and potentially a little sick from the lack of substance and the the sun, and now you have a disaster on your hands. If you notice this happening, sit somewhere inside ASAP and get yourself some food and a snack. I know firsthand (and so do our readers) that it’s hard to eat sometimes when you’re already feeling blech from the sun, but it’s a necessity!

Trying To Do Too Much

There’s a lot to accomplish in Disney World, and you want to get EVERYTHING done to make the most of those expensive tickets. However, this can lead to a lot of frustrating as well, because while it’s painful to hear, it’s true that you can’t do everything in Disney World on your vacation.

Animal Kingdom

While planning your trip is important, it’s NOT a good idea to jam pack your schedule with so much to do that the whole day is ruined if one thing goes wrong. Rides go down, lines may be longer than you’re expecting, and you will run yourself into the GROUND and burn out doing your trip this way (I’m speaking from actual experience here). Factor breaks into each day, be sure you get enough rest each night, and pause every now and then to really take in the magic of Disney World.

Don’t judge us, but we’re guilty of these 5 unforgivable Disney World sins

Taking The Wrong People

Believe it or not, what might hurt your Disney vacation may be who you go with. This can be due to difference in the way you experience theme parks (go-go-go vs. go with the flow), or the fact that the person you’re traveling with doesn’t really want to be there.

EPCOT Entrance

There are some things that even Disney World magic can’t fix, and this is truly just a live and learn experience a lot of us have had to go through. It hurts, it sucks, and it’s the furthest thing from the experience you want on your Disney vacation, but sometimes it still happens, even if you think your group will be perfect. Sometimes solo trips are best — you know yourself best, so be sure you do what’s right for you, but also make sure you loosen the control reins a bit if you are traveling with others!

I had the worst day EVER in Disney World, and here’s how I turned it around

We’re always here to help you plan your next Disney World trip and avoid all the disasters possible, so stay tuned to AllEars!

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What else would you add to this list? Tell us in the comments!

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One Reply to “I Made a TRAGIC MISTAKE at Disney World, and I’m Begging You Not To Do the Same”

  1. I took my little sister with us last time. Boy, was that a mistake! My family are nuts so I should have known better really