6 DISGUSTING Things You Should Know About Before You Go to Disney World

Disney World is the Most Magical Place On Earth, but it’s also… not-so-magical sometimes.

Disney World

For the sake of keepin’ it real, we’re gonna be the first to tell you that Disney World can be kind of… gross. From germs, to sweaty humans, to animals doing what animals do (💩), there’s a lot of room for a yucky situation. There are a few nasty things that happen on a regular basis, and we’re here to share those with you — just so you’re prepared.

Without further ado, here are six disgusting things that happen at Disney World.

People throw diapers wherever their heart desires.

There are lots of youngins at Disney World, and with lots of youngins comes lots of diapers. And SOME PEOPLE decide to just… toss the diapers wherever they want rather than seeking out a trash can.

We present to you: a great place for diapers

Diapers have been found on rides, floating in bodies of water around Disney World property, and even just casually chilling out on the sidewalk. Don’t be that person. Throw away the diapers, plz.

People use dining tables as changing tables.

Nearly every time we visit Disney World, we see at least one person using a quick service dining table to change their baby’s diaper. HELLO? Other people have to EAT THERE!

Cosmic Ray’s

Not only this, but kids will just have accidents anywhere and everywhere. Oh, and they like to lick and chew on everything, too. It’s like a double whammy.

Flood water may or may to be mixed with sewage.

A caveat: We are not sure how true this is. However, it DID come from a Magic Kingdom custodial Cast Member. The word on the street is that when it floods, there’s an off-chance that there might be some sewage mixed in with those lovely puddles near the man holes.

Be careful in MK when it rains…

When this happens, the Cast Members supposedly block the area off, but sometimes people walk through it before they can block it off. In that case, the Cast Members have to take the shoes from the visitors so they can’t track sewage through the rest of the parks, and then they issue a voucher so that the folks can get some new shoes. Once again: This may or may not be true.

It smells like rotten eggs everywhere.

When you visit Disney World, you’ll sometimes be greeted with a very sulfurous smell! This can be especially true during the rainy season, because as the rain water seeps into the aquifer, it picks up organic compounds that are converted to sulfur. It’s just a fact of life in Central Florida.

The smell of sulfur is everywhere

Oh, and even the water tastes like it. If you get water from the tap or from water fountains, we hope you like the taste of sulfur!

The smell of moldy, mildewed cooling towels will haunt you.

Throughout the parks, you’ll be hit with a mildew smell that might resemble the smell of your grandma’s basement. That’s just cooling towels!


Yeah, folks shove them in their bags without letting them dry and then just whip them back out to use them a few hours later! Lovely!

A bottle of water is like, $4.

This is just a crime.


Go to a quick service location and get a free cup of water. It doesn’t taste like rotten eggs, we promise.

As long as you’re prepared for the disgusting, you’ll be able to experience the magical. We’ll continue to keep you updated with all things Disney news, so make sure to follow along for more so that you’re always in the loop.

Looking for more gross things at Disney World? Click here! 

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What’s the grossest thing YOU’VE ever seen at Disney World? Let us know in the comments! 

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2 Replies to “6 DISGUSTING Things You Should Know About Before You Go to Disney World”

  1. I can’t believe that people would be so inconsiderate as to use the tables where people eat to change diapers. If I saw this I might have to say something or at least notify a cast member so they could clean the table.

  2. I have to honestly say that in the past 20 years of consistent Disney trips including 6 times this past year, I have not experienced anything on this list