Tips about Mousecellaneous, Planning and Souvenirs

Prior to our big fifth anniversary trip several years ago, my husband and I created a Disney box in anticipation of the trip. We took a large plastic school-supply box such as we had in elementary school and began decorating it. We used metallic markers to put our names and dates on it. Yet we mostly left it blank. While in Disney World, we got a sticker at one of the restaurants. We stuck it to the box. On each trip back since then, we've obtained a special sticker. For example, one of our favorite Cast Members stopped and gave us one while waiting for a parade, and we were given one in the shops for making an extra donation when we made our Animal Kingdom purchases. I date each sticker, and now our Disney box is a reflection of each trip. We're working on decorating the inside of the box now! Throughout the year, as we obtain anything for our next trip, such as disney dollars given to us as gifts, or Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party tickets, it all goes in the box. When we're ready to go, the box fits nicely into a suitcase or backpack. This way we never forget where we put something or lose it, and we have this great reminder of all our good times while we plan our next magical memory-making trip! - Cathy Laurice Jones
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Before going [to WDW], I purchased several small Disney related items at discount stores and put them in my backpack in the morning. During different times I would bring them out for the kids, such as Monsters candy dispensers while waiting to meet Mike and Sulley. They were a huge hit, and the kids weren't always asking for something. I also made the kids canvas pouches that went around their necks, I painted mouse ears and their names on them. They held their disney dollars, pennies and quarters for pressing, and pen and cards for autographs. Their hands were free and they got a lot of compliments on them. - The Zolman family
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